Bullshit Barometer

‘I CALL BS’ – Now on Substack

In a world full of marketing, biased reporting, and manipulative hype, the bullshit barometer tends to run high. That’s why I’ve created a space on Substack dedicated to critical thinking, deconstructing ideologies, and exposing system flaws. Subscribe to icallbs.substack.com to stay up-to-date with my articles, starting with my first piece on the GDP vs. economic …

SLB #9

‘First Contact’ with AGI, Roko’s Basilisk, and the Productivity Discussion Continued

The Singularity Loading Bar continues to provide insights and discussions about the latest development in AI. In its new home over at DaniWeb.com, three thought-provoking stories await you now: 1. What will 1st Contact with AGI Look Like? Is the dawn of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) upon us or just a figment of imagination? Would …